White Chocolate Ice cream Brains (Lactose Free!)

Yields: 12 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 3 Hr

Welcome back to another lactose free recipe. For this recipe I am going back to dark, gory and bloody foods. These ice cream brains are made by applying a thin layer of white chocolate to a brain mold. The brains are then filled with a delicious lactose free ice cream. Placed onto a wafer cone and finished with some delicious blood (honey dyed red) these brains are really striking. 


The recipes on this website have been tested with lactose free ingredients multiple times to ensure their success and deliciousness. As always, this recipe is lactose free providing you use the right ingredients. Always make sure your ingredients are safe.


0/7 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
    White Chocolate Brains


0/21 Instructions
  • In a microwave bowl place a good handful of the white chocolate buttons. Microwave on low for 20 seconds. Remove the bowl and stir with a metal spoon. If the chocolate hasn’t fully melted, you may need to microwave it further.
  • Place a very small amount of the pink oil food coloring onto the white chocolate, Stir well. Light pink is the desired color for this recipe. Feel free to change it up if you want, purple brains for aliens, green for zombies; let your imagination run wild.
  • Grab your mold. Add a spoonful of white chocolate into each of the molds.
  • Use your spoon to cover the inside surface with the white chocolate making sure to get into all the nook's and crannies. It wont be completely covered just yet, you will be doing a second layer to cover the gaps. Tip the mold upside down to remove the excess chocolate.
  • Place the mold into the freezer until the chocolate hardens.
  • Repeat this same process. Spoon some chocolate in, spread around and tip out the excess.
  • Place the mold into the freezer until the chocolate hardens.
  • It is time to fill the molds. Fill the molds with some spoonful's of the ice cream. Make sure to leave a small gap at the top. Fill the rest of the space up with white chocolate to completely cover the ice cream.
  • Place the mold into the freezer and leave to harden for a good hour or two.
  • When the chocolate and ice cream have hardened up you can remove them from the silicone.
  • Turn the molds upside down and use your fingers to gently pull the silicone away from the chocolate. Eventually they will come out. If you are having problems you can fill a container up with warm water. Place the mold into the warm water for 30 seconds of so.
  • You can place them into a clean container and place back into the fridge until ready to serve.
  • Keep making as many brains as you want. You may need to melt more chocolate if you have run out.
  • When you are ready to serve it is time to assemble the cones.
  • Place some honey and a few drops of the red gel food coloring. Stir well. This will be the blood topping. Looks creepy but tastes lovely.
  • Fill the cones up with some ice cream. Smooth down.
  • Place the cones upside down into the honey to cover the tops and a little bit of the side.
  • Take a brain from the freezer and place it on top.
  • Dribble some blood on top of the brains.
  • Congratulations you have made delicious white chocolate ice cream brains.
  • Serve, devour and enjoy.

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