Unicorn Horn Meringues (Lactose Free!)

Yields: 9 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 30 Mins Cook Time: 40 Mins Total Time: 1 Hr 10 Mins

Hello everyone, welcome back to another delicious lactose free recipe. For this week’s recipe I wanted to make something magical, sweet, and delicious.  I present these adorable pastel meringue unicorn horns.


The best thing about this recipe that that it is so versatile. You can use whatever flavoring you want. I choose a classic vanilla however I have made meringues that are maple syrup, strawberry and butterscotch flavored. Remember to follow the directions that are on your flavoring bottle. You can always add more flavoring, it is very hard to take it away.


You can also pick whatever colors you want. I choose a pastel pink, yellow and blue. Feel free to change it up and pick three colors you flavor. Remember to use a good quality gel food coloring.


To create the horn design you can either use a a template or just wing it. I have the tendency to make my meringues bigger over time so I really rely on a template to keep them beautiful and identical.  There are plenty of horn templates available online. Print them out and make sure they fit onto your baking trays.


To make these meringues easier to eat and handle I inserted oven safe treat sticks. I specifically used Wilton Cookie/Lollipop Treat Sticks 20cm. You can use a different brand if you want however you must make sure they are oven safe.


Always remember that if you fail it is a learning experience and not the end of the world. Baking is something that takes practice. Failures give you an opportunity to look at what went wrong and why. That knowledge and experience is so important for any baker regardless of skill level. Everyone starts somewhere.


The recipes here have been tested with lactose free ingredients multiple times to ensure their success and deliciousness. As always, this recipe is lactose free providing you use the right ingredients. Always make sure your ingredients are safe.


0/14 Ingredients
Adjust Servings


0/19 Instructions
  • Preheat your oven to 90°C (194F). If you are using a template place it onto the baking tray. Use cooking oil to make it stick and not move. place baking paper on top.
  • The bowl that you are whisking the egg whites in must be completely dry and grease free. Make sure the egg whites are cold.
  • Start whisking the egg whites until they become foamy. Add the tartaric acid (or cream of tartar) and salt.
  • Continue whisking and gradually add the sugar 1 tablespoon at a time. It will gradually become smooth and white.
  • Keep whisking until the mix is thick and glossy. Test the mixture by rubbing a small amount between your fingers. If it feels grainy then keep whisking.
  • When the meringue is done it should be at stiff peak.
  • Divide the meringue evenly into three bowls.
  • Add in a different food coloring into each bowl and mix well.
  • Roll out a piece of cling wrap. Make sure both sides and weighed down with something. Spoon out a line of each color.
  • Cut the end off a large piping bag and fit with a large round tip.
  • Roll up the meringue. Twist the ends closed. Cut one of the ends off. Place it into the piping bag open end first.
  • Push the meringue down so you can see all the colors.
  • Start from the bottom of the horn. Gently pipe back and forward making the shape taper off into the triangle horn shape.
  • Fill up your tray with meringue horns. They will not spread in the oven so they are ok to be pipped close together.
  • Carefully insert a oven safe lollipop stick into the centre of the meringues.
  • Place the trays into your oven for 40 minutes. When the time is over turn off the oven and leave the door closed. Keep the meringues in there for an hour or two.
  • They can be kept in a airtight container.
  • Congratulations you have now made delicious unicorn horn meringues.
  • Serve, devour and enjoy.

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