Rainbow Toasted Cheese Sandwich (Lactose Free!)

Yields: 5 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 15 Mins Cook Time: 10 Mins Total Time: 25 Mins

Welcome back to another delicious lactose free recipe. For this weeks recipe I wanted to do something super fun and colorful. As the days get colder there is nothing better nice hot gooey cheese toasties. I am a huge sucker for anything rainbow so I thought what better than to make than a rainbow cheese toasted sandwich.


The secret is to use a good gel food coloring. They are very pigmented so just a little drop goes a long way. The dyes I use have no effect on the taste of the sandwiches, it is purely for visual effect.


The recipes on this website have been tested with lactose free ingredients multiple times to ensure their success and deliciousness. As always, this recipe is lactose free providing you use the right ingredients. Always make sure your ingredients are safe.


0/4 Ingredients
Adjust Servings


0/15 Instructions
  • Place your cheese into a food processor and blitz until the shredded cheese strands have become alot smaller. This helps to prevent the streaking effect in the melted cheese.
  • Divide the cheese evenly in between five bowls.
  • Grab a the red dye and apply a few drops into one of the bowls.
  • Mix well until the cheese is lovely and red.
  • Keep this process for the other colors until you have a bowl of red, yellow, turquoise (or green), blue and purple cheese.
  • Prepare your pan by lightly coating with cooking oil. If you are too generous with the oil the sandwich can become too greasy.
  • Grab two slices of your bread. Spread margarine over the tops of each slice.
  • Place one slice margarine side down onto your pan. (You can always prepare the sandwich on a cutting board and just carefully move it to the pan when you want to start cooking.)
  • Grab the red cheese. Sprinkle a good amount of the cheese on the very top in a line.
  • Grab the yellow and place a good sprinkle of the cheese in a line below the red. Keep this process with the other colors. Make sure to leave a small gap around the edges to give the cheese room to melt.
  • Place the other piece of bread on top of the cheese. Margarine side facing up.
  • Place on a low heat and cook until golden brown. Gently flip the sandwich over and cook the other side until golden brown too.
  • Sometimes bread can be a little uneven, this can create hot spots on the bread that become browner quicker and results in an uneven browning. You can see this in the main promo image for this recipe. Through trial and error I recommend to gently press down on the top (with a spatula) on the sandwich to flatten the bread down against the pan.
  • Move the toasted sandwich to a cutting board and cut against the cheese lines you made.
  • Congratulations you have made delicious rainbow toasted sandwiches. Serve, devour and enjoy.

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