Rainbow Cupcakes

Yields: 1 Serving Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 45 Mins Cook Time: 15 Mins Total Time: 1 Hr

Hello everyone. For this recipe I want to take a vanilla cupcake and create something that is full of colour and happiness. It is basically the same as my normal vanilla cupcakes however a few steps are different. Try this recipe and you will see that these colourful rainbow cupcakes will brighten up any cloudy day.

The recipe you see is entirely lactose free, providing you use the right products of course.

I always use Over The Top icing because it is dairy free and top quality.


0/13 Ingredients
Adjust Servings


0/16 Instructions
  • Preheat your oven to 180c (356°F). Line a 12 capacity cupcake pan with paper cases.
  • Place all the ingredients into a large bowl.
  • Mix until the mixture is nice and smooth. No lumps.
  • Set up six bowls. Spoon an even amount of mixture into the six bowls.
  • To get a rainbow effect you will need six different dyes; red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Each colour will go into a different bowl. Make sure you shake the bottles up. Squirt a decent amount of colouring and combine well. You want the colours to be really bright as it will darken on the outside when it is baking.
  • Now get your cupcake tin and place a small amount (around 3/4 of a tablespoon) of the purple colour into each of the cases.
  • Next spoon the blue batter on top of the cases, be careful not to mix them. It is okay if the layers don't necessarily completely cover each layer. Leaving a spot in the middle is fine. As long as the colours are around the edge you will be able to see the colour layers when peeling the cupcakes wrapper off. Repeat the same thing with the green, yellow, orange and red.
  • Remember from the bottom- purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red at the top. Or do the opposite to have the red at the bottom. Hey it is up to you.
  • Bake the cupcakes for 10 to 13 minutes. Test the cupcakes by inserting a skewer into the center. If it comes out clean, then the cupcake has finished cooking.
  • Let the cupcakes sit in the hot pan for a few minutes then transfer onto a wire rack to cool. The longer the cupcakes are sitting in the hot pan the more they will cook. So it is better not to leave them in for too long.
  • Now when I first looked at these cupcakes I thought I had messed them up completely. It didn't really look like how I had envisioned. While the top looked a little strange the outside actually turned out fine and so did the middle.
  • Make sure the cupcakes have cooled completely. When they have you need to even out the cupcake.
  • Get a piping bag and fit it with a 1M Wilton piping tip. Fill with vanilla buttercream.
  • Start piping the frosting like you would a normal cupcake swirl. Start in the middle and continue piping around. Continue piping around the outside and bring the swirl inwards making it tighter as you near the top. At the top stop putting pressure on the bag and press down and release.
  • Decorate with sprinkles.
  • Serve and enjoy.

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