Australian Musk Cupcakes (lactose free)

Yields: 12 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 45 Mins Cook Time: 15 Mins Total Time: 1 Hr

Welcome back to another lactose free recipe. This week I wanted to share with you something that is a little bit controversial in flavour. Musk sticks are renowned in Australia for being one of the countries favourite lollies. In other parts of the world these lollies are not looked at fondly at all. Some often compare them to the ‘smell of old ladies at the bus stop’.


It would come as no surprise to find out that this recipe is dedicated to the good old musk sticks. The cupcake batter itself has a slightly musk flavour, topped with vanilla buttercream and finished with a variety of musk flavoured sweets.


I have tested this recipe many times and found it to be easy and fool proof. Plus, it works amazing with lactose free products. As always, this recipe is lactose free providing you use the right ingredients. Always make sure your ingredients are safe.


This recipe uses a specific type of flavouring. If you are not able to find Queen Flamingo Fantasy flavouring, there are other musk flavouring available at different baking suppliers. Some different flavourings can be quite concentrated so make sure you check the instructions on the bottle.


When it comes to icing I always use Over The Top because it is dairy free and top quality. Unfortunately, when you make a dairy free icing it can be time consuming and difficult. That is why I always use that particular icing.


0/16 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
  • Decorating


0/13 Instructions
  • Preheat your oven to 180c (356°F). Line a 12 capacity cupcake pan with paper cases.
  • In a bowl combine the flour and sugar. Then add the eggs, margarine, milk and vanilla and mix.
  • Keep mixing until the mixture is free from lumps.
  • Add in a few drops of the pink food colouring and a tsp of the musk extract. If you are not able to find Queen Flamingo Fantasy flavouring, there are other musk flavouring available at baking suppliers. Some different flavourings can be quite concentrated so make sure you check the instructions on the bottle.
  • Mix well and add more pink food colouring until it reached a lovely bright pink.
  • Spoon the mix into the cupcake pan. To achieve more even cupcakes, I like to use a ¼ measuring cup.
  • Bake the cupcakes for 10 to 15 minutes. Test the cupcakes by inserting a skewer into the centre. If it comes out clean, then the cupcake has finished cooking.
  • Let the cupcakes sit in the hot pan for a few minutes then transfer onto a wire rack to cool. The longer the cupcakes are sitting in the hot pan the more they will cook. So it is better not to leave them in for too long.
  • Decorating
  • Colour some dairy free icing light pink. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a Wilton 1M piping tip. Gather your lollies and sprinkles.
  • Grab a cooled cupcake and slice off the top to create a flat surface.
  • Start piping from the centre spiralling outwards then spiralling up and inwards again to create that classic cupcake swirl.
  • Decorate with two musk sticks sticking out the side, add a musk life saver at the bottom. Add the sprinkles over the top.
  • Serve, devour and enjoy.

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