Rainbow Bagels

Yields: 12 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 2 Hr Cook Time: 15 Mins Total Time: 2 Hr 15 Mins

Welcome back to another lactose free recipe. This week I wanted to share something that was bright, happy, and gorgeous. There are so many sad things happening in the world right now. If this recipe brings you a little bit of happiness, then I have done my job.

I found this recipe on ‘Steve’s Kitchen’. I have to say I am a huge fan of his. I definitely recommend checking out his website and YouTube channel.


These bagels are quite stunning and the secret is to use a good quality food colouring to make the colours pop. Gel food colouring always work the best. You can find gel food colouring at most baking suppliers.


The recipes on this website have been tested with lactose free ingredients multiple times to ensure their success and deliciousness. As always, this recipe is lactose free providing you use the right ingredients. Always make sure your ingredients are safe.


0/14 Ingredients
Adjust Servings


0/33 Instructions
  • Place the bread flour into a large mixing bowl. Add the yeast to one side and the salt to the other. Add the warm water and mix until a rough dough forms.
  • Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth.
  • Weight the dough and divide into six even pieces.
  • Move five pieces of dough to the side and cover loosely with clingwrap.
  • You will want to wear gloves for the next few steps also make sure your work surface is covered with something that will protect it from the dyes. Start with the red food colouring. Apply a few dots of the gel into the centre of the dough. Knead and work the dough so the colouring has been completely incorporated into the dough.
  • Place the ball of dough into one of the bowls. Cover with clingwrap.
  • Continue working through each of the dough until you have a red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple dough balls.
  • Leave the dough to rise for thirty minutes to an hour. It should be doubled in size. Check at regular intervals.
  • I recommend using individual bowls. I used two large containers. I thought that there would be enough room but sadly there was not, and the dough colours ended up touching. If this happens to you do not worry, simply slice off a small amount where the colours join to make sure the colours are not combined.
  • After the dough has risen tip the colours out onto a lightly floured surface and lightly knead each colour individually to knock the air out. Roll each colour into a small ball. Cover loosely with clingwrap.
  • Fill a small bowl with water and grab a pastry brush.
  • Working with the red ball first.
  • Lightly flour your work surface and rolling pin. Prepare two large trays and a large cutting board with baking paper.
  • Roll the red out to form a long thin rectangle.
  • Carefully transfer the red dough onto the cutting board with the baking paper.
  • Brush the top of the dough with the water. This is really important to ensure the colours stick together to form a singular piece of dough.
  • Grab the orange dough. Roll the dough to form the long thin rectangle the same size as the red. Place the orange on top of the red. Gently smooth down to ensure there are no air bubbles trapped.
  • Continue this process with the yellow dough, then the green, then the blue and finally the purple.
  • Fill a small saucepan with water (3 inches or so) along with 1/2 a teaspoon of salt. Bring the water to a simmer and preheat your oven to 190 Celsius.
  • Grab a sharp knife and cut the edges of the dough stack so it forms a perfect rectangle.
  • Use your knife to cut the dough into two-inch lengths.
  • You can make them smaller if you wish however, they may end up looking more like doughnuts.
  • Twist the length of dough so it forms a spiral shape.
  • Wrap the dough around your hand and pinch off the excess. Pinch the ends together and carefully roll the dough so it seals the ends completely. The bagel in the image was made with a thin piece of dough. A normal bagel would be much bigger. Two inches is the best size for a bagel.
  • Place the bagel onto a tray.
  • Continue this process until the dough has been used up completely. Make sure to leave a gap in between them.
  • Now we need to cook the bagels in the simmering water briefly. This is important to achieve the iconic bagel texture.
  • Gently place a bagel or two into the simmering water. Wait 30 seconds then flip the bagels over. Wait another thirty seconds and remove. Place the bagels back onto the baking tray, repeat until all bagels have been cooked.
  • Place the bagels back onto the baking tray, repeat until all bagels have been cooked.
  • Place the trays into the preheated oven and cook for 15 to 20 minutes. The top should be beautiful and crispy without it being brown. Set the bagels aside to cool down.
  • The bagels are best with a good lactose free cream cheese.
  • Congratulations you have made delicious rainbow bagels.
  • Serve, devour and enjoy.

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