Rainbow Cupcakes

Hello everyone. For this recipe I want to take a vanilla cupcake and create something that is full of colour and happiness. It is basically the same as my normal vanilla cupcakes however a few steps are different. Try this recipe and you will see that these colourful rainbow cupcakes will brighten up any cloudy...

Trypophobia Cupcakes

A step by step tutorial for a cupcake design based on Trypophobia (fear of small holes clustered together). This recipe used lactose free ingredients and its scarily delicious.

Valentine’s Day Macarons

A step by step tutorial for adorable Valentine’s day themed macarons. Lactose free and delicious.

Surprise Heart Bundt Cake

Valentines day is just around the corner so what better way to celebrate than by making your loved one a special cake. The hidden heart in this cake makes for such a beautiful little surprise. What we need to do is bake a sheet cake, something thin and flat so we can get a cookie...

Pavlova Cupcakes

When I think of Australian desserts there is nothing better than a pavlova. A light fluffy meringue smothered in cream and covered in fresh fruit. I came up with this recipe in honor of Australia day and our favorite national dessert. You can decorate with any fruit that is in season so this delicious dessert...

Australia Day Lamingtons

A step by step recipe for beautiful coconut lamingtons using lactose free products.

Sweet Potato Damper

A step by step recipe for sweet potato damper using lactose free ingredients.

Mango Swirl Cheesecake

A step by step recipe for a delicious mango swirl cheesecake using lactose free ingredients.

Christmas Tree Cupcakes

A step by step tutorial for cute Christmas tree cupcakes. Lactose free and delicious.

Stained Glass Christmas Cookies

A step by step tutorial for Christmas star stained glass cookies. Lactose free and delicious.

Christmas Fruit Cupcakes

A step by step tutorial for beautiful fruit filled Christmas cupcakes using lactose free ingredients.

Bloody Candy Cane Cupcakes

A step by step recipe for creepy bloody candy cane cupcakes.