Welcome back to another recipe. Being lactose intolerant really sucks sometimes. Not being able to enjoy so many different dishes is heart-breaking if you have such a love for food like I do. The main purpose of this website is to showcase all the lactose free recipes I have successfully made with safe ingredients.
One dish I have missed is crème caramel. I am a huge sucker for any sort of custard desserts. It has been a long journey to find the perfect crème caramel recipe. A journey filled with scrambled eggs, sickly sweet monstrosities and some plain boring crème caramels.
I really wish I could take credit for this recipe. It is so delicious and packed full of flavour. The creator of this recipe is Poh Ling. She is such an amazing cook, I first watched her on MasterChef when I was younger and have continued to be inspired by all her amazing skills. Of course I have change bits and pieces to fit with a lactose free version.
The recipes on this website have been tested with lactose free ingredients multiple times to ensure their success and deliciousness. As always, this recipe is lactose free providing you use the right ingredients. Always make sure your ingredients are safe.
- For this recipe you will need a large roasting pan, tea towel, a round cake tin that will fit in the roasting pan. Make sure the cake pan isn’t spring form so nothing leaks.
- Alternatively place and a saucepan and bring to a quick boil. As long as the milk becomes hot using a saucepan should not matter.
- Time to temper the mixture with the hot milk.
- Now that you have made the custard grab the cake pan and a fine mesh sieve. Pour the custard mixture through the sieve into the custard pan.
- Remove the cake tin from the roasting pan using oven mitts and leave at room temperature until it cools down. Then place into the fridge to set. Preferably overnight.
- To serve run a knife around the edge. Place a plate over the top and quickly turn the caramel over to release it from the pan. Serve with the mint and orange slices.
- Congratulations you have now made lactose free Orange Crème Caramel