Welcome back to another lactose free recipe. This week’s recipe features a creepy little twist on the classic candy cane. I wanted to do something a little bit different from the normal candy cane topped cupcake so I decided the perfect addition would be a bleeding heart with a candy cane stabbed right into the center.
For this recipe you will need to make some cupcakes. I used my favorite classic vanilla cupcake recipe. To make the heart you will need to get a small heart mold, candy canes, icing and red fondant. For icing I always use ‘Over the top’. It is dairy free and quite amazing.
The recipe you see is entirely lactose free, providing you use the right products of course. Check the fondant you will be using to make sure it contains no lactose.
- Decorating
- In a bowl combine the flour and sugar.
- Dust the inside of the mold with icing sugar to prevent sticking. Press a ball of fondant into the mold.
- To decorate the cupcake spread a small amount of white frosting on the cupcake. Place the heart on top. Using a small paintbrush apply the red blood to the heart.
- To create a drip effect on the frosting later simple spoon more fake blood onto the heart allowing it to drip on the frosting.
Absolutely love this one. So talented.