Welcome back to another lactose free recipe. This week I wanted to share a classic Japanese sweet bread recipe featuring one of my favourite ingredients, red bean paste. If you haven’t tried red bean paste before don’t worry, it is deliciously smooth and sweet. The bean paste makes for the perfect filling to accompany this fluffy bread recipe and even better the breads are shaped into adorable little turtles. You will be able to find it in most Asian grocery stores.
The recipes on this website have been tested with lactose free ingredients multiple times to ensure their success and deliciousness. As always, this recipe is lactose free providing you use the right ingredients. Always make sure your ingredients are safe.
- Keep kneading until the dough becomes smooth and springy to the touch. It will be very sticky at the start but as you keep kneading it will improve.
- Test to see if the dough is ready by covering your finger in flour and poking it into the centre of the dough. If the hole closes the dough needs more time, if the hole stays open then the dough is ready for the next step.
- Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Press down to remove the gas inside.
- Weight the dough and divide into 6 even pieces.
- Roll 4 of the pieces of dough into balls and place onto a tray lined with baking paper.
- Grab the two other pieces of dough. You will need 4 medium balls for the heads, 4 tear shaped pieces for the tail and 16 small balls of dough (the small balls were 6 g and the larger ones were around 10g for my own batch). After you finish shaping all the pieces place a piece of cling wrap on top to avoid drying out.
- Keep pulling the dough around and pinching the dough to completely close it.
- It is time to assemble the turtle.
- Use a small amount of water to help the dough stick and place the medium dough balls at one end of each of the rolls, this will be the head.
- Loosely cover with clingwrap and leave the turtles to rest for another 30 minutes.
- Preheat your oven to 190 C.
- In a small bowl add one egg and 1tbs of water and beat.
- Cook the turtles for 10 to 14 minutes until they are a lovely golden-brown colour. Leave to cool down.
- Congratulations you have now made adorable Anpan turtles.