Christmas Fruit Cupcakes

Yields: 12 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 15 Mins Cook Time: 20 Mins Total Time: 35 Mins

The best part of Christmas is sitting around the table, eating great food and catching up with friends and family. These cupcakes are beyond perfect for dessert.

The recipe you see is entirely lactose free, providing you use the right products of course.


0/10 Ingredients
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0/9 Instructions
  • Preheat your oven to 170c and line a muffin pan with cases.
  • Beat the margarine, sugar and orange rind together until creamy.
  • Add the eggs to the mix one at a time and beat well.
  • Add the dried fruit, walnuts and orange juice and mix well.
  • In a separate bowl combine the flours and the mixed spice.
  • Slowly add the flour to the wet mixture.
  • Spoon the mix into the prepared cases. This mixture will not rise very much (unlike normal cupcakes), so it is okay to fill the cases up to the top. Also make sure you smooth the surface.
  • Bake for 20 to 30 minutes until cupcakes are golden and firm to the touch. Transfer onto a wire rack and allow to cool completely before decorating.
  • Serve and enjoy.

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