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Dreamy Double Chocolate Fudge (Lactose Free)

Welcome back to another lactose free recipe. I am so excited to share with you this week’s recipe. There is nothing better than a slice of rich and chocolaty fudge, except when you top that with a delicious layer of white chocolate fudge. Double chocolate means double the pleasure and what could be better than a lactose free version that won’t make you ill.

Fudge is one of my favourite sweet treats, sadly it is impossible to find a lactose free version. I have tried to make some versions previously, but they have all ended in disaster. That is until now. I have found the perfect lactose free chocolate that is not only tasty but relatively cheap plus it works perfectly with this recipe.

This recipe showcases two new lactose free chocolate products from the brand Sweet William. I did have to specially order the dark and white chocolate directly from their website as it was not available in stores.

These are the specific lactose free products that I used in this recipe.

  • Sweet William white chocolate
  • Sweet William dark chocolate
  • Nuttelex original
  • Pandaroo condensed coconut milk


Dark Chocolate Layer

  • 320g can condensed coconut milk
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 2tbs glucose syrup
  • 125g lactose free margarine
  • 180g dark chocolate

White chocolate Layer

  • 160g can condensed coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1tbs glucose syrup
  • 62g lactose free margarine
  • 90g white chocolate


  • Extra dark chocolate
  • Piping bag
  • Brownie tin
  • Cooking spray
  • Baking paper


The first thing is to prepare the brownie pan. Spray it liberally with the cooking spray and line the tin with the baking paper. This will help the baking paper stick to the tray and stay in place.

Start with the dark chocolate layer. Place the condensed milk, sugar, glucose, and margarine in a saucepan.

Place it on a low heat and stir. The mixture will look a little strange at first. Keep stirring until the margarine has melted and the sugar has dissolved. You will be able to tell when the sugar has dissolved by the sound of the spoon scraping against the bottom of the saucepan. It won’t have that gritty sound.

Increase the heat to a medium until the mixture has thickened slightly and the mixture starts to bubble.

Decrease the heat and place it on a low heat.

Cook for ten minutes while continuously stirring. There is a danger of the sugar burning so the stirring is important. Also make sure you do this for ten minutes. One I made this I cheated and only stirred it for four minutes. There was a huge difference in texture.

Add the dark chocolate to the mixture and turn off the heat.

Stir until the chocolate has been completely melted into the mixture.

Pour the dark chocolate fudge into the pan. Be careful not to move the pan or it might create wrinkles on the top.

Set the fudge aside (at room temperature) for thirty minutes to set before moving onto the white chocolate layer.  

After the thirty minutes has passed it is time to move onto the white chocolate layer. It is the exact same as the dark chocolate but it is half the quantity and obviously uses white chocolate.

Place the condensed milk, sugar, glucose, and margarine in a saucepan.

Place it on a low heat and stir. The mixture will look a little strange at first. Keep stirring until the margarine has melted and the sugar has dissolved.

Increase the heat to a medium until the mixture has thickened slightly and the mixture starts to bubble.

Decrease the heat and place it on a low heat.

Cook for ten minutes while continuously stirring.

Add the white chocolate to the mixture and turn off the heat.

Stir until the chocolate has been completely melted into the mixture.

Pour the white chocolate layer onto the dark chocolate layer.

Leave the fudge to set for thirty minutes at room temperature.

Place a handful of dark chocolate into a microwave proof bowl.

Place in the microwave for twenty seconds. Stir using a metal spoon.

Place back in the microwave for another twenty seconds. The mixture should have melted slightly. Stir until the rest of the lumps have melted through. The residual heat should be enough to finish melting the other lumps.

Spoon the chocolate into the piping bag.

Cut a small amount of the piping bag so it creates a very small hole.

Drizzle the dark chocolate over the top of the white chocolate layer.

Place the fudge to completely set in the fridge for at least eight hours. It should have hardened up.

To prepare gently lift the fudge out by holding onto the baking paper.

Peel the baking paper off the sides of the fudge and move it to a clean cutting board.

Slice the very edges off the sides to create a neat rectangle.

Slice the fudge into quarters and into quarters again.

Serve and enjoy.

Thank you for reading this recipe. Let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback. See you on the next recipe.